A Young Tutsi rebel from CDNP (Congré National pour la Defense du Peuple) stands guard with a Kalashnikov in Bunagana, in March 17, 2008, where the commander of Laurent Nkunda, was reportedly arrested by the Congolese-Rwandan joint forces in January, 2009. After Nkunda's arrest, a peace treaty was signed, and there is an integration process with former CNDP militiamen and the government soldiers. In 2008 when the rebel fightings were intensified, average 14,245 rape cases a year were reported in the country. Women were raped in farms, jungles, homes, schools, and even inside IDP camps. Many of them suffered from physical condition called "traumatic fistula" which were often caused by brutal gang rapes that left victims with no control over urination or defecation.